xamarin vs cordova
When it comes to using an enterprise-grade framework, Xamarin vs Cordova, they are two of the most popular cross-platform development frameworks that app developers use. However, do you know which one is a good fit for your first cross-platform mobile app project?
We cannot offer you a clear answer to that question because every company is unique. But we can share an objective Xamarin vs. Cordova comparison, to help you and your ninja team take a decisive decision. At ITSolution24x7, a leading IT solutions company, has experimented on both of these framework.
Xamarin vs Cordova |
Xamarin vs. Cordova: A Comprehensive Overview
Before we dive down into a comparison of particular elements and aspects of using Xamarin vs. Cordova, first take a look at how the two platforms stand tall against one another in a general sense, starting with Xamarin.
3 Major Pros of Xamarin for Mobile App Development
To narrow it down, we are going to get a bit more specific in our Xamarin vs. Cordova head-to-head to help every iOS and android app development company. Instead of the typical pros and cons approach to software comparisons, we will try to keep this blog clear and understandable in its assessment of each framework, by focusing on their key advantages, seen from the perspective of the developers who use them. When it comes to Xamarin, developers share the following characteristics as being the primary benefits.
1. The High Value of C# for Mobile App Development
Several enterprise-app project teams prefer Xamarin because it uses the C# programming language, which is a popular mobile-friendly code and is highly recommended by 36% of seasoned developers.
High performing codes on both Android and iOS, C# empowers high productivity for developers working in an enterprise android app development company that are familiar with its everyday use and for those that are not, is comparatively easy to learn and master. It is easier for coders who have prior experience with object-oriented programming. Here are a few other benefits of C#:
- Reliability of the code and bug detection
- Full capacity with native code for iOS and Android
- Advanced runtime that reduces the extra complexities of manual memory management
- More power and flexibility for mobile app programmers due to advanced features
2. Native Framework
Many Xamarin apps are extra close to their real native counterparts that some fanboys might argue that describing them as near-native. This can be debatable whether the framework is native or near-native. But by using Xamarin, expert developers from any iOS or android app development company can build enterprise-grade apps leveraging the native controls of the operating system.
These amazing capabilities may end up in apps enhancing native performance, user behavior, and appearance. In this way, you will use a native framework without the requirement to write a mobile app for each operating system you will execute to. Xamarin framework can help developers get closer to their goal than any other cross-platform tool currently available.
3. Share and Save with Xamarin Framework
The entire strategy of cross-platform mobile development is to save adequate time and money, and those extra savings are exceedingly achievable when developing mobile apps with Xamarin. It might be possible to do away with the typical specific customization for the two platforms by using Xamarin Forms if you do not require a sophisticated user interface for your mobile application. Since the C# code that a particular app developer from a leading iOS or android app development company write is then compiled into the native platform code, your mobile app should perform much better than one built with web technology.
3 Major Pros of Cordova for Mobile App Development
It might be simple to continue pushing the benefits of Xamarin for high-end mobile app development, but this article focuses on a Xamarin vs. Cordova comparison, it’s time to discuss the second of the two competitors.
iOS or Android app development companies who work regularly with Apache Cordova might consider the following three framework characteristics to be among the most beneficial.
1. Abundant Plugins
It would be negligible to say that Apache Cordova is without restrictions a mobile development platform specifically created for enterprises. One of the major restrictions is its powerlessness to access native APIs directly, which Xamarin can easily achieve without any issue.
But, it does not mean your company should ignore Cordova, because a range of core plugins exist, helping your developers to create apps that can access the file system on iOS or Android devices, capture images with a device’s camera, and use other onboard features such as accelerometers and GPS chips.
Even if no core plugins are available to match your standards, you might be able to find something suitable among the wide array of community-developed plugins. As the Cordova’s codebase is open source, a leading iOS or Android app development company should be able to develop a brand new plugin best-suited for whatever purpose you intend.
2. Web Technology
The biggest polarizing aspects of the Xamarin vs. Cordova debate surround the two platforms’ very different technologies. Cordova users built apps by using JavaScript for the logic and HTML5/CSS3 for the User Interface.
These kinds of technologies can be very familiar to any hybrid app developer. As there is no shortage, companies sometimes see Cordova as a painstaking solution to create apps without hiring different coders with different specializations.
3. A Wider Sense of Community
Apart from Xamarin and some other cross-platform alternatives, Cordova is at the heart of a colossal development community, which can be a godsend if you are developing a mobile enterprise application for the first time. Regardless of the challenge your team is facing, there might be someone who has been through the same situation and found a perfect solution.
The Cordova community is active and huge, especially among iOS and Android app development companies. And in addition to helping others with Q&A sites such as Stack Overflow, its regular members have published adequate quantities of sample code and shared a wide variety of in-depth tutorials online.
Xamarin VS Cordova: Which Framework to Use, and When?
High-quality mobile applications created from a hybrid app developer can constitute anything ranging from a one-time companion for event-goers or a productivity tool to an AI-powered medical image analysis app for expert physicians. The overall complexity, functionality, and performance needs of enterprise-grade apps differ as does the size of budgets available to meet them. So where actually do Xamarin and Cordova fit into the cross-platform mobility landscape?
We cannot give a perfect answer to this question, but large enterprises can choose Xamarin as the licensing costs are reasonable. The Xamarin framework has numerous users among the heavyweights in the industry well liked by a few iOS or Android app development companies. Irrespective of your business size and model, when you require cross-platform versatility using a near-native user experience from your app, then the decision to use Xamarin framework can be better.
For SME’s, when the timelines or budgets are extra tight, Cordova provides the real benefits of true “write-once-run-anywhere” development in an open-source environment. To develop mobile apps with Cordova requires detailed consideration as to its compatibility with a given project. Cordova is a highly flexible framework where mobile apps are not to be confused in design; it could work perfectly well for teams heavy on front-end expertise and polarizing effort regularly between web and mobile development projects.
These are the two open-source frameworks you can choose to work on. However, if you are looking for a leading software development company to create enterprise grade mobile apps, turn to us. ITSolution24x7 is the best IOS and Android app development company having a deep bench of talented developers.